Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My First Debate With George Miller

Tuesday, I stepped in the ring with the 35-year incumbent heavy weight champ of District 7, George Miller. We had a half hour debate hosted by the Diablo Valley League of Women’s Voters. I had no idea what to expect. There was no audience, only TV crews. No staff was allowed, I was alone. All I could take with me were my wits and 21 years of military experience as a combat pilot into the unknown. Miller had all the advantages, he should have knocked me cold. I am sure that was his intent.

I am happy to announce, I am standing taller than ever and delivered quite a few blows myself to a title holder that has not had to defend his crown for quite some time.

Here is how the debate unfolded: Miller droned on-and-on about all his supposed accomplishments. He tried to monopolize the debate and was cut off several times by the moderator, Lisa Vorderbrueggen of the Contra Costa Times. I held my ground while championing common sense and fiscal responsibility.

When I said cutting food stamps to pay for his 26 billion dollar bailout was wrong, all he could do was say he “hoped” to replace the funding. When I told him cutting the funding to the troops was wrong and brought to mind the unfunded Continental Army freezing at Valley Forge while wrapping their bloody feet in the snow, all he could do was prattle about his opinion being right. When I told him his health care bill was the wrong way to reform our system and that the first priority should have been saving the $100 BILLION a year of fraud in Medicare, all he could do is say his amendment would save millions – not good enough George, only pennies on the dollar of what we should be saving. He also said his government run healthcare would save us money. REALLY? I countered that such a promise by our inefficient government doing anything cheaper was empty.

And finally in our closing statements, he spoke so quickly and angrily about all he has done for us, I could barely understand him as I sat 3 feet away. In my statement I dismissed all the government handouts he has so proudly paid for with borrowed money by pointing out the 13 trillion dollar debt that grows by over 2 million dollars every minute of every day. I declared we must rein in government spending so we can afford what we have. I pledged that fiscal responsibility will be my priority number one as our district’s representative, so that we can save this country from the economic cliff Miller has steered us towards. And finally, I proclaimed I will represent all of my constituents whether they are Democrat, Independent or Republican just as I had defended all American’s while serving in the war zones of Iraq and Afghanistan.

George Miller took his best shot, and I am still standing. I look forward to round two on September 8th, as we debate again at Travis Credit Union’s headquarters at 1 Travis Way, Vacaville from 6-7pm. (doors open at 530). After this last debate, the choice is clear – George Miller and more of the same, or Rick Tubbs and a new direction for our country that leads to responsible and accountable government for all Americans and our dreams.

As soon as I receive a copy of the tape, we will post it on our website for you to see. In the meantime, it will be run on cable TV as follows:
Concord TV Channel 28: 8/28, 8/30 & 8/31 at 4PM; 9/1 at 2PM
CCTV Comcast Channel 27, Astound Channel 32 & ATT U-verse Channel 99:
9/2-6PM, 9/5-9PM, 9/9-8PM, 9/13-8PM, 9/19-9PM & 9/27-9PM

~ Rick
Voting for You - Balancing the Budget for US!

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