Monday, August 2, 2010

Americans & Small Business Owners (aka American Job Creators) - George Miller Once Again Stands In The Way of Your Success & Your Job!

JOBS JOBS JOBS! Why can’t President Obama and George Miller get it? America needs jobs! Obama and Miller want to double exports of American goods over the next 5 years. Those are great words and a worthy goal which I support. But actions are required not just words. I also support closing lucrative loopholes and tax payer funded incentives that support corporations moving American jobs overseas. But the progressives in Congress led by Miller, Pelosi and Reid are growing the 3 legged monster that is killing jobs instead of helping Americans get back to work.

How now you ask? HR 5982… A little background first. The health care bill coauthored by George Miller strengthened the job killing monster's second leg called “Excessive and Expensive Regulation” by adding a new requirement on small business to report business-to-business transactions as low as $600. A huge and expensive burden that just creates paperwork instead of jobs.

Dan Lungren, our congressman just to the east of us here in District 7 has been working hard to repeal this job killing regulation, but is getting no help from George Miller. The progressive led House attached Lungren’s bill to HR 5982, which is a tax increase (leg one of the job killing monster) on international business in an all too familiar attempt at Washington horse trading and manipulation.

George Miller tells you what you want to hear with his mouth, but uses his vote - representing you – in Congress to do just the opposite. Dan Lungren needs help to pass his job-creating repeal of this onerous regulation. George Miller won’t do it, but I will! On day one as you congressman, I will support a stand-alone bill that repeals this job killing regulation on small business.

There is a difference. Rick Tubbs represents jobs. George Miller represents more regulations and more government burden on you. You have a clear choice – VOTE RICK TUBBS, US CONGRESS!

Lead by Example, Lead with Courage, Serve Those You Lead

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