Sunday, August 15, 2010

Federal Workers Earning Twice As Much As Private Sector

Federal workers now earn twice that of the private sector. This is just another glaring example of the unsustainable path this government is on. That huge federal salary is paid for by your taxes!

Government jobs are now 52% (OVER HALF) of all the new jobs created in this country. We cannot afford this maddness. Government is too big, too expensive and will crumble under its own weight if we don't do something about it now.

George Miller continues to grow government. I will represent you by bringing government spending under control. Fiscal responsibilty is not a slogan, it is a missing necessity in our Congress.

Voting for YOU--Balancing the Budget for US!

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely. We need to look at departments that we can close, and then streamline the rest. We can start by trying to get rid of the 20+ "czars" that were appointed, if possible. We certainly need to streamline and integrate the intelligence services that are redundant and don't "talk to" each other. We can consider getting rid of the Dept of Education and give that money back to states. The list goes on and on. We can go back and look at ?Reagan's Grace Commission report.
