Tuesday, I stepped in the ring with the 35-year incumbent heavy weight champ of District 7, George Miller. We had a half hour debate hosted by the Diablo Valley League of Women’s Voters. I had no idea what to expect. There was no audience, only TV crews. No staff was allowed, I was alone. All I could take with me were my wits and 21 years of military experience as a combat pilot into the unknown. Miller had all the advantages, he should have knocked me cold. I am sure that was his intent.
I am happy to announce, I am standing taller than ever and delivered quite a few blows myself to a title holder that has not had to defend his crown for quite some time.
Here is how the debate unfolded: Miller droned on-and-on about all his supposed accomplishments. He tried to monopolize the debate and was cut off several times by the moderator, Lisa Vorderbrueggen of the Contra Costa Times. I held my ground while championing common sense and fiscal responsibility.
When I said cutting food stamps to pay for his 26 billion dollar bailout was wrong, all he could do was say he “hoped” to replace the funding. When I told him cutting the funding to the troops was wrong and brought to mind the unfunded Continental Army freezing at Valley Forge while wrapping their bloody feet in the snow, all he could do was prattle about his opinion being right. When I told him his health care bill was the wrong way to reform our system and that the first priority should have been saving the $100 BILLION a year of fraud in Medicare, all he could do is say his amendment would save millions – not good enough George, only pennies on the dollar of what we should be saving. He also said his government run healthcare would save us money. REALLY? I countered that such a promise by our inefficient government doing anything cheaper was empty.
And finally in our closing statements, he spoke so quickly and angrily about all he has done for us, I could barely understand him as I sat 3 feet away. In my statement I dismissed all the government handouts he has so proudly paid for with borrowed money by pointing out the 13 trillion dollar debt that grows by over 2 million dollars every minute of every day. I declared we must rein in government spending so we can afford what we have. I pledged that fiscal responsibility will be my priority number one as our district’s representative, so that we can save this country from the economic cliff Miller has steered us towards. And finally, I proclaimed I will represent all of my constituents whether they are Democrat, Independent or Republican just as I had defended all American’s while serving in the war zones of Iraq and Afghanistan.
George Miller took his best shot, and I am still standing. I look forward to round two on September 8th, as we debate again at Travis Credit Union’s headquarters at 1 Travis Way, Vacaville from 6-7pm. (doors open at 530). After this last debate, the choice is clear – George Miller and more of the same, or Rick Tubbs and a new direction for our country that leads to responsible and accountable government for all Americans and our dreams.
As soon as I receive a copy of the tape, we will post it on our website for you to see. In the meantime, it will be run on cable TV as follows:
Concord TV Channel 28: 8/28, 8/30 & 8/31 at 4PM; 9/1 at 2PM
CCTV Comcast Channel 27, Astound Channel 32 & ATT U-verse Channel 99:
9/2-6PM, 9/5-9PM, 9/9-8PM, 9/13-8PM, 9/19-9PM & 9/27-9PM
~ Rick
Voting for You - Balancing the Budget for US!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The President Was Correct When He Said They Have The “Right” To Build a Mosque Near Ground Zero.
However, decency must accompany those rights. Our rights allow us to be offensive to anyone at anytime, but common decency keeps us from such destructive behavior.
Building a Mosque on the very grounds where 19 fanatic Muslims killed nearly three thousand people in their quest to follow the teachings they learned in a mosque is terribly offensive and lacks any shred of common decency or respect for the loss this country and those families experienced that horrible day.
And what is worse, our president has the gall to say he will not comment on the wisdom of building a mosque near Ground Zero. He won’t comment!? As the President of the United States of America, he should be the first to comment and be the leader of this great nation, but instead he choose to remain silent. He shrank from his duty to lead us in our time of need. That is just cowardice and America deserves better. I will comment on the wisdom of ignoring all common decency and completely disrespecting the loss of 3,000 innocent lives. It is wrong! It should not be done and shame on those who are trying to make it happen. It rubs salt in a healing wound and does nothing to bring peace or reconciliation. If that mosque is built, it will stand as a monument to the Muslim hijackers that brought misery to an entire nation. It will not be a triumph of tolerance or an exercise of American rights. It will be a constant reminder of what and who caused our pain that day. One of the most basic lessons of freedom is, “Just because you have a right to do something, doesn’t mean you should.” There has never been an more appropriate time to exercise this discretion.
Voting for You - Balancing the Budget for US!
Building a Mosque on the very grounds where 19 fanatic Muslims killed nearly three thousand people in their quest to follow the teachings they learned in a mosque is terribly offensive and lacks any shred of common decency or respect for the loss this country and those families experienced that horrible day.
And what is worse, our president has the gall to say he will not comment on the wisdom of building a mosque near Ground Zero. He won’t comment!? As the President of the United States of America, he should be the first to comment and be the leader of this great nation, but instead he choose to remain silent. He shrank from his duty to lead us in our time of need. That is just cowardice and America deserves better. I will comment on the wisdom of ignoring all common decency and completely disrespecting the loss of 3,000 innocent lives. It is wrong! It should not be done and shame on those who are trying to make it happen. It rubs salt in a healing wound and does nothing to bring peace or reconciliation. If that mosque is built, it will stand as a monument to the Muslim hijackers that brought misery to an entire nation. It will not be a triumph of tolerance or an exercise of American rights. It will be a constant reminder of what and who caused our pain that day. One of the most basic lessons of freedom is, “Just because you have a right to do something, doesn’t mean you should.” There has never been an more appropriate time to exercise this discretion.
Voting for You - Balancing the Budget for US!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Federal Workers Earning Twice As Much As Private Sector
Federal workers now earn twice that of the private sector. This is just another glaring example of the unsustainable path this government is on. That huge federal salary is paid for by your taxes!

Government jobs are now 52% (OVER HALF) of all the new jobs created in this country. We cannot afford this maddness. Government is too big, too expensive and will crumble under its own weight if we don't do something about it now.
George Miller continues to grow government. I will represent you by bringing government spending under control. Fiscal responsibilty is not a slogan, it is a missing necessity in our Congress.
George Miller continues to grow government. I will represent you by bringing government spending under control. Fiscal responsibilty is not a slogan, it is a missing necessity in our Congress.
Voting for YOU--Balancing the Budget for US!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
This Is Our National Debt!
All that red!!! That is what my campaign is all about! The debt is unsustainable, and it's only getting worse! These numbers are wholely unacceptable. We must hold those in Washington D.C. accountable by replacing them with people who will do the hard work and make the tough choices to stop this negligent squandering of our future. These numbers won't change for the better unless we change the people responsible for them.
Failure is NOT an option! It is up to us, the American voter, to stop those that can't stop themselves. Retire George Miller, retire the debt, hire Rick Tubbs to get the job done!
"Lead by example, Lead with courage, Serve those you lead"
Saturday, August 7, 2010
I Met Carly Fiorina Last Night...
Kristi and I met Carly Fiorina last night at Herm Rowland’s (of Jelly Belly) fund raiser at his home. She is running on a very similar platform to mine. The American Dream is at stake.
More government spending is not the answer and makes our problems worse. She said there is $500 billion dollars of inefficiency in government spending - leg one of the monster, and she talked about her opponent being in Washington far too long (sound familiar). She also emphasized that she can beat Boxer if her message gets to the voters, which takes hard work and money.
After hearing Carly last night, I am an unwavering supporter. She is on the right side of the issues and I look forward to working with her in Congress to fix what is broke in Washington.
More government spending is not the answer and makes our problems worse. She said there is $500 billion dollars of inefficiency in government spending - leg one of the monster, and she talked about her opponent being in Washington far too long (sound familiar). She also emphasized that she can beat Boxer if her message gets to the voters, which takes hard work and money.
After hearing Carly last night, I am an unwavering supporter. She is on the right side of the issues and I look forward to working with her in Congress to fix what is broke in Washington.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Americans & Small Business Owners (aka American Job Creators) - George Miller Once Again Stands In The Way of Your Success & Your Job!
JOBS JOBS JOBS! Why can’t President Obama and George Miller get it? America needs jobs! Obama and Miller want to double exports of American goods over the next 5 years. Those are great words and a worthy goal which I support. But actions are required not just words. I also support closing lucrative loopholes and tax payer funded incentives that support corporations moving American jobs overseas. But the progressives in Congress led by Miller, Pelosi and Reid are growing the 3 legged monster that is killing jobs instead of helping Americans get back to work.
How now you ask? HR 5982… A little background first. The health care bill coauthored by George Miller strengthened the job killing monster's second leg called “Excessive and Expensive Regulation” by adding a new requirement on small business to report business-to-business transactions as low as $600. A huge and expensive burden that just creates paperwork instead of jobs.
Dan Lungren, our congressman just to the east of us here in District 7 has been working hard to repeal this job killing regulation, but is getting no help from George Miller. The progressive led House attached Lungren’s bill to HR 5982, which is a tax increase (leg one of the job killing monster) on international business in an all too familiar attempt at Washington horse trading and manipulation.
George Miller tells you what you want to hear with his mouth, but uses his vote - representing you – in Congress to do just the opposite. Dan Lungren needs help to pass his job-creating repeal of this onerous regulation. George Miller won’t do it, but I will! On day one as you congressman, I will support a stand-alone bill that repeals this job killing regulation on small business.
There is a difference. Rick Tubbs represents jobs. George Miller represents more regulations and more government burden on you. You have a clear choice – VOTE RICK TUBBS, US CONGRESS!
Lead by Example, Lead with Courage, Serve Those You Lead
How now you ask? HR 5982… A little background first. The health care bill coauthored by George Miller strengthened the job killing monster's second leg called “Excessive and Expensive Regulation” by adding a new requirement on small business to report business-to-business transactions as low as $600. A huge and expensive burden that just creates paperwork instead of jobs.
Dan Lungren, our congressman just to the east of us here in District 7 has been working hard to repeal this job killing regulation, but is getting no help from George Miller. The progressive led House attached Lungren’s bill to HR 5982, which is a tax increase (leg one of the job killing monster) on international business in an all too familiar attempt at Washington horse trading and manipulation.
George Miller tells you what you want to hear with his mouth, but uses his vote - representing you – in Congress to do just the opposite. Dan Lungren needs help to pass his job-creating repeal of this onerous regulation. George Miller won’t do it, but I will! On day one as you congressman, I will support a stand-alone bill that repeals this job killing regulation on small business.
There is a difference. Rick Tubbs represents jobs. George Miller represents more regulations and more government burden on you. You have a clear choice – VOTE RICK TUBBS, US CONGRESS!
Lead by Example, Lead with Courage, Serve Those You Lead
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