Thursday, September 30, 2010

Congress Adjourns Without Extending Bush Tax Cuts

Congress adjourned without extending the Bush Tax Cuts... What an act of cowardice. They decided to push it off until after the elections so their constituents won't know where they stand, which keeps us in the dark while Americans try to make an informed choice on November 2nd!

The Obama Administration continues to chastise the rich as villians and give people the impression we would have to borrow $700 billion to allow the rich to keep their portion of the cuts.

Here are some facts... Before the Bush Tax Cuts took effect, the top 1% of income earners paid 19% of all taxes. After the tax cuts took effect, they paid 36% of all taxes. The top 10% income earners paid 49% of all taxes paid before the cuts and after the tax cuts took effect, they paid a whopping 68% of all taxes paid.

These are the people who help create jobs and stimulate our economy! Why do we want to further burden them. And don't be mislead, if the tax cuts are not extended, every American will see a higher income tax bill in spite of Mr. Obama's pledge not to raise taxes on the middle class.

Congress is spending like never before and it has to stop!

~ Rick
Voting for You - Balancing the Budget for US!

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