So now that the crisis is over, let's assess our President's performance.
The press was all over President Bush for his handling of Katrina, yet Bush got involved, fixed the mistakes and got results. Say what you will about George Bush, but he showed leadership after Katrina and the folks in the Gulf benefitted from his response. Obama's answer is a knee-jerk reaction to stop drilling for 6 months and George Miller's is to punish BP with a 7 year moritorium on American leases for drilling. Does that make you feel better?
How do you think it makes the thousands of newly unemployed oil workers in the Gulf? Way to go Obama and Miller - way to send those good paying oil jobs over seas. The Gulf has been hit hard economically by this spill and our president and congressman's answer is to hurt them more.
Did you notice how no other country on the planet punished BP or stopped their off shore drilling? Of course not, and now with America denying access to its oil, companies will just go elsewhere to drill and hire other countries' workers. 10% unemployment and your president and congressman only make it worse. Our sacrifice in jobs will not serve the greater good. It will only reduce the unemployment rate in Brazil.
Have you had enough yet? If so, let's at least vote Miller out this November. Vote Rick Tubbs for Congress.
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